/ Upcoming events at mediafuture
AI & Media: The Transformative Impact of AI in the Media Industry
AI & Media: The Transformative Impact of AI in the Media Industry
Opphavsrett for journalister – Hva du må vite om bruk og deling av innhold?
Opphavsrett for journalister – Hva du må vite om bruk og deling av innhold?
Announcement of the 2025 Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize
Announcement of the 2025 Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize
Responsible AI-driven Media Tech
Responsible AI-driven Media Tech
Responsible Recommender Systems
Responsible Recommender Systems
Annual Meeting 25
Annual Meeting 25
/ Past events
Seminar: Multimedia Verification, with Duc Tien Dang Nguyen, UiB
Seminar: Multimedia Verification, with Duc Tien Dang Nguyen, UiB
ABSTRACT: In this seminar, Duc Tien Dang Nguyen will give a broad overview of how researchers seek to advance methods that detect and reveal modified and manipulated images and videos, and building up trust in online media based on advanced multimedia verification algo...
Steering Board meeting
Steering Board meeting
MediaFutures' first steering board will take place 25th of March from 12:00 to 14:00. This is an internal event that is scheduled online.
Seminar: Are Filter Bubbles Real? Axel Bruns, QUT
Seminar: Are Filter Bubbles Real? Axel Bruns, QUT
ABSTRACT: The success of political movements that appear to be immune to any factual evidence that contradicts their claims – from the Brexiteers to the ‘alt-right’, neo-fascist groups supporting Donald Trump – has reinvigorated claims that social media spaces c...
Seminar: Reflections of Ourselves – Mobile Psychological Assessment with Smartphones. Clemens Stachl, Stanford University
Seminar: Reflections of Ourselves – Mobile Psychological Assessment with Smartphones. Clemens Stachl, Stanford University
ABSTRACT: The increasing digitization of our society radically changes how we use digital media, exchange information, and make decisions. This development also changes how social scientists collect data on human behavior and experience in the field. One new form of dat...
Seminar: DeepFact: Deep Learning for Automated Fact Checking. Vinay Setty, University of Stavanger
Seminar: DeepFact: Deep Learning for Automated Fact Checking. Vinay Setty, University of Stavanger
ABSTRACT: The interest around automated fact-checking has increased as misinformation has become a major problem online. A typical pipeline for an automated fact-checking system consists of four steps: (1) detecting check-worthy claims, (2) retrieving relevant document...
Seminar: JECT.AI: Using digital technologies to augment work in the newsroom. Neil Maiden, City University of London
Seminar: JECT.AI: Using digital technologies to augment work in the newsroom. Neil Maiden, City University of London
ABSTRACT: This seminar will introduce JECT.AI, a new digital product for newsrooms that has emerged from previous research and development work. The use of AI technologies in newsrooms remains contentious. Therefore, the JECT.AI developers worked closely with journalist...
Seminar: User-centered Investigation of Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems
Seminar: User-centered Investigation of Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems
ABSTRACT: Recommendation and ranking systems are known to suffer from popularity bias; the tendency of the algorithm to favor a few popular items while under-representing the majority of other items. Prior research has examined various approaches for mitigating populari...
Seminar: Should we have PETs in “smart” homes? Tomasz Kosinski, Chalmers University of Technology
Seminar: Should we have PETs in “smart” homes? Tomasz Kosinski, Chalmers University of Technology
ABSTRACT: This talk is not a lecture. The goal is to use plain English. Why? To simply convey some practical information and insights. About what? On Privacy Enhancing Technologies; PETs for short. What for? So that you can answer the question in the title for yourself....
Seminar: AI in the social sciences AND a taxonomy of fake news: Two research themes. Rich Ling, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Seminar: AI in the social sciences AND a taxonomy of fake news: Two research themes. Rich Ling, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
ABSTRACT: In this talk, Rich Ling will examine the role of AI in social science research. In addition, he will examine a taxonomy of fake news. In the case of AI in the social sciences, Ling will examine how this technology is emerging as a new tool that will eventually...
Seminar: Computational Psychology in Recommender Systems, Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska (Slovenia).
Seminar: Computational Psychology in Recommender Systems, Marko Tkalčič, University of Primorska (Slovenia).
ABSTRACT: Recommender systems are systems that help users in decision-making situations where there is an abundance of choices. We can find them in our everyday lives, for example in online shops. State-of-the-art research in recommender systems has shown the benefits o...
Seminar: Exploring media experience: why is it important to media innovation? Irene Costera Meijer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Seminar: Exploring media experience: why is it important to media innovation? Irene Costera Meijer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
ABSTRACT: In today’s world, innovation appears to have replaced quality as the dominant concept in metajournalistic discourse. Innovation guards the distribution of financial resources - more investments in technology - and working conditions –more freelance journal...
Workshop on trust and distrust in news
Workshop on trust and distrust in news
PROGRAM: 10 min: Welcome and introduction 10 min: Irene Costera Meijer – How young people (18-34) and older people (45 +) differ in the way they deal with experiences of trust and distrust. 10 min: Erik Knudsen – Understanding trust in the media and its determina...
Seminar: Natural Language Generation, Automated Journalism and Finding the Middle Road
Seminar: Natural Language Generation, Automated Journalism and Finding the Middle Road
MediaFutures is pleased to announce that Leo Leppänen, who is a computer science doctoral student at the Discovery Research Group of University of Helsinki, Finland will be giving a seminar on the topic of natural language generation.
MediaFutures Annual Meeting
MediaFutures Annual Meeting
MediaFutures Seminar: Countering rumours in online social media: A comprehensive response with the focus on ML-based approaches, Amir Ebrahimi Fard
MediaFutures Seminar: Countering rumours in online social media: A comprehensive response with the focus on ML-based approaches, Amir Ebrahimi Fard