The Research Council of Norway on an on-site visit at MediaFutures
The Research Council of Norway (RCN) made an on-site visit to MediaFutures as part of the contractual follow-up of the research centre. The RCN was represented by Liv Jorunn Jenssen, Solbjørg Rauset and Gunnlaug Daugstad. Besides the centre’s...
MediaFutures researchers developing a semi-automated Twitter content search tool in collaboration with the Norwegian live sport service VG Live.
MediaFutures researchers have created a semi-automated pipeline that streamlines and simplifies the process of finding relevant social media content for the Norwegian live sport service VG Live.
Prof. Morten Fjeld joins LEAD-ME COST Action
It is with a great pleasure to inform that Professor Morten Fjeld, the leader of Work Package 4 at MediaFutures, joins the European Cooperation in Science and Technology’ research network on Media Accessibility.
Responsible Media Technology Crucial for Democracy
MediaFutures Director has been featured in an article by the Bergen Chamber of Commerce and Industry about the importance of developing responsible media technology.
Call for papers – MORS: Workshop on Multi-Objective Recommender Systems.
The 2nd workshop on Multi-Objective Recommender Systems (MORS) will be held in Seattle, USA in conjunction with the 16th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. The workshop itself will take place between September 18th and 23rd (exact date to be announced).The organizers now welcome contributions that address the challenges related to having multiple objectives or multiple stakeholders in recommender systems.
Understanding young people’s media experiences
With the ever-expanding range of available products and elusive media consumption habits of younger audience, providing high quality and original content to the young people remains a central issue for media companies, including legacy media.