It is with a great pleasure to inform that Professor Morten Fjeld, the leader of Work Package 4 at MediaFutures, joins the European Cooperation in Science and Technology’ research network on Media Accessibility.

About COST and LEAD-ME Action

Founded in 1971, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is a funding organization for the creation of research networks, called COST Actions. Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond, and enable researchers and innovators to bring to life their ideas in any science and technology field. COST Actions are bottom-up, multi-stakeholder networks with a duration of four years that boost research, innovation and careers.

To date, there are 292 running actions, among them LEAD-ME Cost Action.

 LEAD-ME stands for The Leading Platform for European Citizens, Industries, Academia and Policymakers in Media Accessibility. The action aims to help all stakeholders in the field of Media Accessibility and cross-cutting topics (e.g., AI and Interactive Technologies) in Europe to meet the legal milestones requested by the recently passed European legislation.

The LEAD-ME action is structured in four multidisciplinary and cross-sector Working Groups (WGs) which leverage on the specific competencies and expertise of the diverse partners involved. Prof. Fjeld joins the working group Guidelines and Curricula for Teaching and Training Media Accessibility lead by Dr Krzysztof Krejtz from the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland.

“The main objective of that specific working group is to define the best practices, guidelines and a set of curricula that should be implemented when educating for Media Accessibility. To this end, our working group has been compiling white papers, but also organizing workshops and training schools addressing different aspects related to the matter in question. Up to now, we have had 4 such training schools, and we hope for the next one to be organized in Bergen, Norway”, says Krejtz.

On the benefits for researchers in MediaFutures of joining LEAD-ME COST action, Fjeld adds: “I do believe that training on media contents accessibility, on experimental testing, and media accessibility across domains, e.g., autonomous driving cars, tourism, or culture, will be attractive to researchers, and especially to the PhD-students, across all work packages in MF”. For participants accepted to training schools, participation, travel, and accommodation are covered.