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Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation

The Centre will close for summer break on July 1st. Activities will resume on August 1st.

We wish you a safe and relaxing summer!

Norwegian pre-trained language models in the spotlight: how well do they perform in automated claim detection? 

Norwegian pre-trained language models in the spotlight: how well do they perform in automated claim detection? 

Embarking on uncharted terrain, MediaFutures scientists conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of Norwegian pre-trained language models (LMs) in discerning veracity of claims. The results demonstrate that Norwegian pre-trained LMs outperform a SVM baseline system. Their research yields valuable insights into the future of automated claim detection tools for fact-checking in low-and medium-resourced languages.

AI and High-Quality Journalism: A New Vision Paper by MediaFutures

AI and High-Quality Journalism: A New Vision Paper by MediaFutures

Researchers and industry partners at MediaFutures, have published a vison paper exploring the potential of AI to enhance the production of high-quality journalism. The authors discuss how artificial intelligence can be applied at every stage of journalistic value chain, supporting more trustworthy content for consumers.

Exploring young people’s reluctance to pay for digital news: findings from a study by Borchgrevink-Brækhus & Moe

Exploring young people’s reluctance to pay for digital news: findings from a study by Borchgrevink-Brækhus & Moe

A recent study by Marianne Borchgrevink- Brækhus and Hallvard Moe challenges the assumption that non-subscribers are inherently opposed to paying for digital news. The research reveals lack of exclusivity, unattractive payment models, and subscription news as too time-consuming, as the main reasons for young people’s unwillingness to pay for online content, and identifies a strong preference for using multiple news providers among young audiences.

Annual Report 2022

Annual Report 2022

An online version of the MediaFutures Annual Report 2022 is now available. The report provides details on our performance in the past year, and includes information on activities, staffing and funding.

New study sheds light on how the COVID-19 pandemic crisis influenced citizens’ trust in the news media in Norway

New study sheds light on how the COVID-19 pandemic crisis influenced citizens’ trust in the news media in Norway

During times of crisis, citizens tend to increase their support and trust in political leaders, a phenomenon commonly known as the “rally-round-the-flag” effect. New research co-authored by Erik Knudsen sheds light on why and under which conditions the rally effect of international emergencies – the case of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway – also pertains to the news media.