Oda Elise Nordberg

About us


PhD student
Connected to
WP4: Media Content Interaction & Accessibility
University of Bergen



/ Biography


Oda Elise Nordberg began her PhD position focusing on technology and innovation within the field of journalism in January 2020. Currently, she is researching how people interact with the news through voice-activated interfaces and exploring ways to improve this interaction. Her research is primarily qualitative, with interest areas revolving around how people interact with technology (Human-Computer Interaction, HCI), interaction design, innovation in journalism, privacy, and ethics. Nordberg has a background that includes a bachelor's degree in new media, a master's degree in information science, and a one-year program in psychology, all from the University of Bergen.

/ Publications

Publications from 2020 and before are not direct results of the SFI MediaFutures, but are key results from our team members working on related topics in MediaFutures.

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