It is with pleasure to announce that The National Library of Norway (Nasjonalbiblioteket) is joining MediaFutures consortium and will be contributing to work related to language technologies.
Established in 1989 the National Library of Norway is responsible for collecting, preserving and making published content available across all media types. Nasjonalbiblioteket also maintains and develops the technological infrastructure for Språkbanken, the Norwegian Language Bank, a collection of digitised linguistic resources used by developers of language technology products, the public sector and by linguistic researchers.
“As a partner in MediaFutures, the National Library will strengthen the research dimension of its activities through collaboration with an international leading environment in media technology, research, and development. The National Library’s contribution to MeidaFutures is particularly related to Work Package 5 – Norwegian Language Technologies”, says Jon Arild Olsen, Senior Adviser at the National Library of Norway.
MediaFuture’s director Prof. Christoph Trattner underlines: “We are thrilled to have the National Library of Norway joining our consortium, and contributing with its resources and competence related to language technologies, data management, and computational approaches to media content in general. I am confident that the cooperation will prove fruitful for both parties”.
Photo credit: Wikipedia