by Anna Pacholczyk | Feb 23, 2023
En presentasjon om to måter for hvordan redaksjonelle miljøer kan bruke tredjepartsplattformer for å nå unge mennesker med kvalitetsjournalistikk og mulige utfall for disse veivalgene. Presentasjonen bygger på Peder Haugfos’ masteroppgave ved NTNU/TU Berlin, og er...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Feb 16, 2023
We invite all researchers and practitioners in the Nordics to the first Nordic Personalisation day in Oslo for a full day of talks and discussions on personalisation and recommender systems. The day will be full of both research and industrial talks on...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Feb 12, 2023
NordMedia23 will be organized in Bergen, Norway from 16 – 18 August 2023. The theme of the conference is Technological Takeover? Social and Cultural implications – promises and pitfalls. For more information visit:...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Jan 30, 2023
Helle Sjøvaag and Raul Ferrer Conill from the University of Stavanger will give a seminar on February 14th. TITLE: Digital backbones: Data streams in the digital infrastructure and consequences for the media industries WHEN: 14 February, 12:00 – 13:00 WHERE:...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Jan 16, 2023
Ranjana Das, Professor at the University of Surrey and currently visiting Erasmus fellow at the University of Bergen, will give a seminar on January 26th. TITLE: Public expectations of transparency and accountability in citizens’ councils on data-driven media...