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MediaFutures Seminar: Translating Educational Data into Meaningful Practices: Insights from the field of Learning Analytics. Mohammad Khalil.
25 November, 2021 @ 12:00 - 13:00

Mohammad Khalil, senior researcher at UiB Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), will give a seminar on 25 November, at 12:00.
TITLE: Translating Educational Data into Meaningful Practices: Insights from the field of Learning Analytics
WHEN: Thursday 25 November, 12:00-13:00
WHERE: https://uib.zoom.us/j/63125529816?pwd=OTc0MStQYUczTkEzTXVRZTlBYUpyQT09
Meeting ID: 631 2552 9816
Password: 8U0vAVAy
Since the last decade, higher education has moved online and institutions have had access to more student data than ever before. A proactive move before the recent pandemic where online and virtual learning environments had functioned as primarily digital repositories of educational resources, employing student data to improve learning experiences and environments was disseminated in 2011, so-called Learning Analytics. For 11 years, the emerging of Learning Analytics has evolved into a mature research field and practice.
In this talk, I will share with you some facts about the field in 4Ws, Where it originates from? What theories have influenced the field? How does it translate students’ data into useful practices (empirical evidence)? and What concerns have been raised through such usage?
Mohammad Khalil, PhD, is a senior researcher of Learning Analytics at the Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). His research interests focus on understanding online learning behavior based on students digital traces in virtual environments, including self-regulation. His other research interests include privacy and ethics, and visualizations. Khalil is the author of over 60 research papers in scholarly journals and international conferences in the area of Learning Analytics and Technology-Enhanced Learning.