Trends in news use and avoidance

MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floor

In times of a rather negative-angled news landscape, NRK mapped Norwegians' approach to news, and news avoidance, with extra focus on the young readers. With data from NRK's ​​Youth survey, Reuters Digital News Report, Norsk Mediebarometer, Opinions UNG2024 and more, we see some new features in how news is consumed - and avoided. On February […]

Academic breakfast with Erik Knudsen

Vrimearealet, SV-bygget, 3.etasje

The SV-faculty invites all students and employees at UiB to attend Erik Knudsens presentation about news avoiders in Norway. Have you found yourself consciously avoiding news or specific news topics over the past year? For instance, have you refrained from clicking on stories about the dire situations in Ukraine or Gaza? If so, you're not […]

Political news analysis by YouTubers : Initial results from quantitative processing of a textual corpus

MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floor

MediaFutures Work Package 1 and The Network for culture, inequality and democracy (KUD/CID) at Infomedia invite to a public lecture on the topic of alternative political analysis on YouTube, given by Quentin Gilliotte, Professeur Junior at Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris, France) There will be time for a Q&A.     The productions on digital platforms are becoming an increasingly […]

Making sense of news audiences and their experiences: Practices and responses to news in the age of datafication

Room 514, Fosswinckels gate 6

Welcome to the Final Seminar of our Ph.D Marianne Borchgrevink-Brækhus. Commentator: Assistant Professor Joëlle Swart (University of Groningen). On June 18th, the Department of Information Science and Media Studies organizes a PhD Final Seminar for candidate Marianne Borchgrevink-Brækhus. The Final Seminar takes place toward the end of the PhD period, when the candidate is a few […]