Morten Fjeld’s research activities are situated in the field of Human-Computer Interaction with a focus on tangible, tabletop, mobile, and collaborative computing. In 2005, he founded the t2i Interaction Lab at Chalmers, Sweden. He holds a dual MSc degree from NTNU (Norway) and ENSIMAG (France), and a PhD in HCI from ETH (Zurich). In 2002, Morten Fjeld received the ETH Medal for his PhD titled “Designing for Tangible Interaction”. In 2011, he was a visiting professor at NUS Singapore, in 2016 and 2017 at Tohoku University (Japan), and 2019 at ETH. Since 2019, he is a full professor at UiB. Morten Fjeld has extensive industrial experience in training systems, simulators, and user interface design.  
t2i is a computer science and design research laboratory that aims to develop new technologies for collaboration, entertainment, and novel experiences. Initially focused tangible computing and interactive tabletops, the scope of technological expertise at t2i evolves and expands constantly. Current research topics include augmented and virtual reality, mobile computing, data visualization, social robotics, and aerial drones. t2i is located at the University of Bergen and at Chalmers University of Technology at Lindholmen in Gothenburg. Key collaborating institutions are ETH Zurich, NUS Singapore, and Tohoku University.