Oda Elise Nordberg

PhD student

University of Bergen
Oda Elise Nordberg began her PhD position focusing on technology and innovation within the field of journalism in January 2020. Currently, she is researching how people interact with the news through voice-activated interfaces and exploring ways to improve this interaction. Her research is primarily qualitative, with interest areas revolving around how people interact with technology (Human-Computer Interaction, HCI), interaction design, innovation in journalism, privacy, and ethics. Nordberg has a background that includes a bachelor's degree in new media, a master's degree in information science, and a one-year program in psychology, all from the University of Bergen.


Andrews, Peter; Nordberg, Oda Elise; Guribye, Frode; Fjeld, Morten; Borch, Njål

Designing for Automated Sports Commentary Systems Conference

IMX'24, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Andrews, Peter; Nordberg, Oda Elise; Guribye, Frode; Fujita, Kazuyuki; Fjeld, Morten; Borch, Njål

AiCommentator: A Multimodal Conversational Agent for Embedded Visualization in Football Viewing Conference

Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Soe, Than Htut; Nordberg, Oda Elise; Guribye, Frode; Slavkovik, Marija

Circumvention by design - dark patterns in cookie consents for online news outlets Conference

Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX