Erik Knudsen

Associate Professor and Work Package Leader

University of Bergen
Erik Knudsen is an associate professor at the MediaFutures Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology and Innovation. He did his postdoc at the Digital Social Science Core Facility (DIGSSCORE) and hold a PhD from the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. Much of his research innvolves methodological innovation and explores patterns and effects of news and political communication, trust in journalism, and exposure to like-minded information, and polarization and fragmentation. He is founder and PI of the Norwegian Journalism Panel and the interdisciplinary Political Communication Research Group at DIGSSCORE. His work has appeared in Political Communication, Journalism, Digital Journalism, Scandinavian Political Studies, and other peer-reviewed journals. Qualifications: Journalism, political communication, selective exposure, affective polarization, framing, agenda setting, media effects, news values, media logics and mediatisation of politics, quantitative content analysis, experimental research design, public opinion and survey research.


Starke, Alain D.; Bremnes, Anders Sandvik; Knudsen, Erik; Trilling, Damian; Trattner, Christoph

Perception versus Reality: Evaluating User Awareness of Political Selective Exposure in News Recommender Systems Conference

ACM UMAP 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Knudsen, Erik

Modeling news recommender systems’ conditional effects on selective exposure: evidence from two online experiments Journal Article

In: Journal of Communication , 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Seddik, Khadiga; Knudsen, Erik; Trilling, Damian; Trattner, Christoph

Understanding How News Recommender Systems Influence Selective Exposure Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

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Knudsen, Erik; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Topical Preference Trumps Other Features in News Recommendation: A Conjoint Analysis on a Representative Sample from Norway Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

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Knudsen, Erik; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Iversen, Magnus Hoem

How Rally-Round-the-Flag Effects Shape Trust in the News Media: Evidence from Panel Waves before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis Journal Article

In: Political Communication, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Elahi, Mehdi; Jannach, Dietmar; Skjærven, Lars; Knudsen, Erik; Sjøvaag, Helle; Tolonen, Kristian; Holmstad, Øyvind; Pipkin, Igor; Throndsen, Eivind; Stenbom, Agnes; Fiskerud, Eivind; Oesch, Adrian; Vredenberg, Loek; Trattner, Christoph

Towards Responsible Media Recommendation Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2021.

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Knudsen, Erik; Dahlberg, Stefan; Iversen, Magnus Hoem; Johannesson, Mikael Poul; Nygaard, Silje

How the public understands news media trust: An open-ended approach Journal Article

In: Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism, 2021.

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Knudsen, Erik; Moe, Hallvard



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Knudsen, Erik

Medieundersøkelsen 2021: Har koronadekningen svekket tilliten til mediene? Presentation

Nordiske Mediedager 2021, 01.01.2021.

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Knudsen, Erik

The Promise and Perils of Algorithmic News Recommenders' Influence on Democracy Presentation

TEDxBergen2021, 01.01.2021.

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Knudsen, Erik

How can news sites personalize audiences's news experiences without making audiences more polarized and fragmented? Working paper


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Knudsen, Erik; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Iversen, Magnus Hoem

The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis on Trust in the News Media: Evidence From Three Panel Waves With a Pre-Crisis Baseline Erik Knudsen Presentation

71st Annual ICA Conference, 01.01.2021.

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