by Anna Pacholczyk | Jun 16, 2023
Sanne Vrijenhoek from the University of Amsterdam will give a seminar on June 16th TITLE: Metrics for Measuring Normative Diversity in News Recommendations WHEN: 16 June, 12:00 – 13:00 ABSTRACT: News recommenders have the potential to fulfill a crucial role in...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Jun 12, 2023
Where & When: Scandic Hotel Ørnen in Bergen, Wednesday June 13th. Invitation: SLATE Research Centre and MediaFutures invite you to the symposium “Towards a Fairer Future of Education: Algorithmic Inequality and Learning Analytics”! The emerging...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Jun 9, 2023
Özlem Demirkol Tønnesen from the University of Bergenwill give a seminar on June 9th. TITLE: Hidden in Plain Sight: Microcelebrities navigating visibility and surveillance on Twitter WHEN: 9 June, 12:00 – 13:00 WHERE: MediaFutures ABSTRACT: On social media,...
by Anna Pacholczyk | Jun 5, 2023
In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, there has been a marked increase in the spread of disinformation and propaganda by the Kremlin. The abundance of fabricated narratives has renewed attention the potential that automated fact-checking...
by Anna Pacholczyk | May 11, 2023
Welcome to a new department seminar! Abstract: Mobile devices, such as smartwatches, fitness bands, and phones record a variety of data with the goal of making it immediately available to wearers. Smartwatch faces, for example, have become mini data dashboards...