CEDAS & MediaFutures Joint Seminar: Knowledge Graph: Exploring Reasoning and Learning with Jeff Z. Pan


Please join the Center for Data Science (CEDAS, UiB) and MediaFutures for an invited talk by Dr. Jeff Z. Pan from the School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh, about the topic of Knowledge Graphs. TITLE: Knowledge Graph: Exploring Reasoning and LearningWHEN: 11 November, 13:00-14:00WHERE: https://uib.zoom.us/j/66264523995?pwd=V0RCd3l4NHNkSHpBRzlXZzl0RDEwdz09 Abstract: The topic of large scare knowledge representation […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Translating Educational Data into Meaningful Practices: Insights from the field of Learning Analytics. Mohammad Khalil.


Mohammad Khalil, senior researcher at UiB Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), will give a seminar on 25 November, at 12:00. TITLE: Translating Educational Data into Meaningful Practices: Insights from the field of Learning AnalyticsWHEN: Thursday 25 November, 12:00-13:00WHERE: https://uib.zoom.us/j/63125529816?pwd=OTc0MStQYUczTkEzTXVRZTlBYUpyQT09Meeting ID: 631 2552 9816Password: 8U0vAVAy ABSTRACT: Since the last decade, higher education […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Platform provenance analysis for digital images. Assistant Prof. Cecilia Pasquini.


Cecilia Pasquini, Assistant Professor at the University of Trento, Italy, will give a seminar on 26 November, at 12:00. TITLE: Platform provenance analysis for digital images. WHEN: Friday 26 November, 12:00-13:00 WHERE: https://uib.zoom.us/j/61463829083?pwd=UmpxU3AwY0JFWDZITWppWkcxWlZTUT09   Meeting ID: 614 6382 9083 Password: 65UPcP4H   ABSTRACT:    The forensic analysis of image and video data that have been shared through social […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Modeling News Flows: How Feedback Loops Influence Citizens’ Beliefs and Shape Societies. Assoc. Prof. Damian Trilling.

Damian Trilling, Associate Professor at the University of Amsterdam, will give a seminar on 2 December, at 12:00. TITLE: Modeling News Flows: How FeedbackLoops Influence Citizens' Beliefs and Shape SocietiesWHEN: Thursday 2 December, 12:00-13:00WHERE: Zoom : https://uib.zoom.us/j/62205578637?pwd=azNkZ21UY3V6cE5KYTVJRGxmclZOQT09#successMeeting ID: 622 0557 8637Password: YT2sX3MZ ABSTRACT: In both public and scientific debates, many worry that the architecture of […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Automated Fact-checking: the scope of the problem in the state-of-the-art. Postdoc Fellow Ghazaal Sheikhi.

Ghazaal Sheikhi, Postdoc Fellow from MediaFutures, University of Bergen, Norway will give a seminar on 14 January, at 11:00. TITLE: Automated Fact-checking: the scope of the problem in the state-of-the-artWHEN: Friday 14 January, 11:00-12:00WHERE: Zoom https://uib.zoom.us/j/68310482035?pwd=NHR2NXhuU1lZSjFHdEZCekNxaC9yZz09Meeting ID: 683 1048 2035Password: krFzY285 ABSTRACT: Fact-checking in technical terms is the process of analyzing textual content for claim […]

MediaFutures Seminar: News diversity and recommendation systems: An interdisciplinary approach. Dr. Kristin Van Damme.

Dr. Kristin Van Damme, a senior researcher from Artevelde University of Applied Sciences, will give a seminar on 11 February at 12:00. TITLE: News diversity and recommendation systems: An interdisciplinary approach.WHEN: Friday 11 February, 12:00-13:00WHERE: Zoom - https://uib.zoom.us/j/68035691403?pwd=aGtEaVlVREx3MzFVM3diQlJGU1JCZz09Meeting ID: 680 3569 1403Password: pXe8JC3C ABSTRACT: Concerns about selective exposure and filter bubbles in the digital news environment have […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Visual Content Verification in the News Domain. PhD Candidate Sohail Ahmed Khan

Sohail Ahmed Khan, PhD Candidate from MediaFutures, University of Bergen, Norway will give a seminar on 25 February, at 11:00. TITLE: Visual Content Verification in the News DomainWHEN: Friday 25 February, 11:00-12:00WHERE: Zoom - https://uib.zoom.us/j/66009400805?pwd=MWpHZjdpK29TZTlSTVpZTXhDdkhSZz09 Meeting ID: 660 0940 0805 Password: qHdQfj1S ABSTRACT: The purpose of the talk is to get valuable comments and suggestions […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Detecting Fake News by Using Weakly Supervised Learning. Assoc. Prof. Özlem Özgöbek

Dr. Özlem Özgöbek, Associate Professor at NTNU, Norway will give a seminar on 17 March, at 13:00. TITLE: Detecting Fake News by Using Weakly Supervised LearningWHEN: Thursday 17 March, 13:00-14:00WHERE: Zoom - https://uib.zoom.us/j/64607939290?pwd=cStOdG90YWRjSW02RmN6TjAxakQwZz09 Meeting ID: 646 0793 9290 Password: m9hyue9C ABSTRACT: Spread and existence of fake news has been amplified by the advancements in internet and […]

UiB AI #2 But, why? – make AI answer!

Welcome to the second seminar in the UiB AI seminar series.  The event is open to all employees and students at UiB. Prior registration is required.  TITLE: UiB AI #2 But, why?  - make AI answer! WHEN: Friday 8 April, 10:00-12:00WHERE: Universitetsaulaen, Muséplassen 3, Bergen Seminar registration Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly involved in […]

MediaFutures Seminar: Fairness—Are algorithms a burden or a solution? Dr. Christine Bauer, Assistant Professor at Utrecht University

Dr. Christine Bauer, Assistant Professor at Utrecht University, will give a seminar on 21 April, at 13:00. TITLE: Fairness—Are algorithms a burden or a solution?WHEN: Thursday 21 April, 13:00-14:00WHERE: Zoom - https://uib.zoom.us/j/66369080035?pwd=MDFzdmV6TUdCVVZlZnhsNWc1eHlMUT09  Meeting ID: 663 6908 0035 Password: F9fN181n ABSTRACT: Recommender systems play an important role in everyday life. These systems assist users in choosing products […]

Human-Computer Interaction lecture series: Visual Attention in Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Interactions. Katarzyna Wisiecka, PhD Candidate in Psychology and Informatics at SWPS University & Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.

Katrzyna Wisiecka, PhD candidate in psychology and informatics at SWPS University & Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, will give a seminar on May 4th, at 11:15. TITLE: Visual Attention in Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Interactions WHEN: Wednesday 4 May, 11:15-12:00WHERE: MediaFutures and Zoom:  https://uib.zoom.us/j/61410167655?pwd=WFJXbGdMVXVuYk5sTDJ2bllPZ3Yydz09 Meeting ID: 614 1016 7655 Password: 9VA5L6D1   ABSTRACT: Computer-mediated interaction has become an integral part […]

Human-Computer Interaction lecture series: UX Research Design in Practice: Some Examples from Safety Critical Industrial Environments. Dr Duy Le, senior research scientist at VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam

Dr. Duy Le, a senior research scientist and head of the Human-Computer Interaction division of SELab, VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam, will give a seminar on May 4, at 14:15. TITLE: UX Research Design in Practice: Some Examples from Safety Critical Industrial Environments WHEN: Wednesday 4 May, 14:15-15:00WHERE: MediaFutures and Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/69626023560?pwd=cVdKWjR1VithNUo4a1g0NTQ1OGpFdz09 Meeting ID: 696 2602 3560 […]