Liisa Ovaska: From permissive to resistive tactics: How audience members act, make sense and cope with audience-datafied journalism

MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floor

We are pleased to invite to a seminar about Liisa Ovaska's research paper on how audience members respond to audience-datafied journalism. Preliminary findings reveal a spectrum of strategies, ranging from resistance to acceptance, in how users engage with data-driven systems while consuming news. Liisa Ovaska is a doctoral researcher at Tampere University. In her dissertation Ovaska studies […]

Knowledge Café on PhD Teaching Duties

MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floor

As part of our Knowledge Café seminar series, MediaFutures will be organizing a seminar on teaching duties for PhD students at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies. During the meeting you will be introduced to some of the tools available at the university, and that you might want to use during teaching. You […]

Irene Costera Meijer: TikTok as a case study to understand the layeredness of Media Experience:

MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floor

Join our next Lunch Meeting with Irene Costera Meijer, Professor of Journalism Studies and head of the Journalism Studies section at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is also Work Package I Advisor and Key Researcher. Her research interests focus on audience studies and in particular on the impact of digitalization on changing practices of media consumption, media […]

Seminar on innovative human-computer interaction

UiB Bergen , Norway

The Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research group at the University of Bergen in cooperation with MediaFutures invites to a two-day seminar addressing innovative HCI. Eight research and industry leader from Norway, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, and Japan will be holding presentations on topics such as medical sensing and human-workspace interaction. The seminar will be rounded off with […]

Sampol Conference 2023: (Limited) Technology: Progress or Downfall of Democracy?

UiB Bergen , Norway

The Sampol Conference 2023 is organized by master's degree students at the Department of Comparative Politics (UiB) every other year. Its main objective is to provide a vibrant platform for constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas on significant societal and scientific issues. The conference has been held biennially since 1985, focusing on a wide range […]

Fact Checking and Fact-based journalism in the age of AI

Kristiania, Kirkegata 24-26, Oslo Kirkegata 24-26, Oslo, Norway

Kristiania University College and MediaFutures partner have the honour to invite to a full-day conference about the challenges and opportunities that AI presents in the field of fact-checking. How to distinguish between genuine and AI-generated content? The challenges arising from new AI technology in fact-checking are significant. How is this field evolving, and what […]

MediaFutures Annual Meeting 2023

MediaFutures is a centre for research-based innovation with the goal to develop responsible media technology, leveraging AI technology, for the media sector. The centre is a consortium of the most important media players in Norway. The University of Bergen is the host of the centre. User partners include NRK and TV 2, the two main […]

CuttingEdge AI: What do we do with one billion for artificial intelligence?

UiB AI, in collaboration with NORA, is excited to announce the Cutting Edge AI seminar taking place in Bergen on November 24th at the University Aula. Media Futures, a part of this collaboration, invites you to join us for an engaging discussion on the effective allocation of the government-promised AI billion. What is the actual […]

PhD halfway presentation by Peter Daniel Andrews

Nygårdsgaten 5, Nordre Allmenning 3 at Læringsarenaen

On November 28th, MediaFutures PhD candidate Peter Daniel Andrews will hold a midway presentation on his work. Anyone can drop by to listen and ask questions. Abstract Young adults rank among the least engaged consumers of digital news media. Generation Z predominantly engages with news through social media platforms, significantly altering traditional news consumption patterns. […]

What is News? Understanding news perceptions and practices among young adults

Digital media has fundamentally changed what news is: how it is produced, distributed, practiced and understood, particularly among young audiences, across the world. The concept of news is changing, as well as the information repertoires of young adults. These processes of transformation have had fundamental consequences not only for news industries, but also for news […]

Workshop on forthcoming AI calls from Horizon Europe and Digital Europe


NORA and the Oslo Cancer Cluster are collaborating to host a workshop that focuses on upcoming opportunities for EU funding in Artificial Intelligence. The session will highlight presentations covering AI subjects under Cluster 4: Digital, Industry, and Space within Horizon Europe and The Digital Europe Programme. Following these presentations, there will be group discussions in […]