WP4 Media Content Interaction & Accessibility
Human-Computer Interaction lecture series: Visual Attention in Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Interactions. Katarzyna Wisiecka, PhD Candidate in Psychology and Informatics at SWPS University & Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology.
Katrzyna Wisiecka, PhD candidate in psychology and informatics at SWPS University & Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology, will give a seminar on May 4th, at 11:15. TITLE: Visual Attention in Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Interactions WHEN: Wednesday 4 May, 11:15-12:00WHERE: MediaFutures and Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/61410167655?pwd=WFJXbGdMVXVuYk5sTDJ2bllPZ3Yydz09 Meeting ID: 614 1016 7655 Password: 9VA5L6D1 ABSTRACT: Computer-mediated interaction has become an integral part […]
Human-Computer Interaction lecture series: UX Research Design in Practice: Some Examples from Safety Critical Industrial Environments. Dr Duy Le, senior research scientist at VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam
Dr. Duy Le, a senior research scientist and head of the Human-Computer Interaction division of SELab, VNUHCM University of Science, Vietnam, will give a seminar on May 4, at 14:15. TITLE: UX Research Design in Practice: Some Examples from Safety Critical Industrial Environments WHEN: Wednesday 4 May, 14:15-15:00WHERE: MediaFutures and Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/69626023560?pwd=cVdKWjR1VithNUo4a1g0NTQ1OGpFdz09 Meeting ID: 696 2602 3560 […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Augment the Vision: To Help Users Deal with Different Domain Tasks. PhD Candidate, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Yuchong Zhang, PhD candidate at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, will give a seminar on 15 June, at 12:00. TITLE: Augment the Vision: To Help Users Deal with Different Domain TasksWHEN: Wednesday 15 June, 12:00-13:00WHERE: MediaFutures ABSTRACT: One of the cutting-edge techniques—augmented reality (AR) (a variation of virtual reality (VR)), in which virtual objects […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Media Accessibility: Current Solutions and Future Challenges with Pilar Orero, Professor from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
MediaFutures MCB Store læringsrom, Læringslab 3rd floorPilar Orero, Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), will give a seminar on 4 October, at 13:00. TITLE: MedIa Accessibility: Current Solutions and Future Challenges WHEN: Tuesday 4 October, 13:00-14:00. There will be a lunch served at 12:30. WHERE: MediaFutures & Online Zoom Meetinghttps://uib.zoom.us/j/64942261686?pwd=eFBPb0lmM3FHN2xHK1pKNmFiMWwzQT09 Meeting ID: 649 4226 1686Password: MB926L47 ABSTRACT: The presentation will start describing […]
When: Date and time:20. October from 13:0021. October from 09:00Location: Media City Bergen What: We are arranging a hackathon in Bergen the 20-21st October. We will have one and a half days (and an evening with pizza & coding), and we'll try to create some new and interesting experiments or demonstrations. If you have any […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Heads-up Computing: Towards the next interaction paradigm with Shengdong Zhao, an Associate Professor at the National University of Singapore
Shengdong Zhao, Associate Professor at the National University of Signapore, will give a seminar on 8 December. TITLE: Heads-up Computing: Towards the next interaction paradigm WHEN: 8 December, 11:00-12:00 WHERE: MediaFutures & Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/66175341824?pwd=VU91bGJ2clovczNZY3lPTVpjT2JTZz09 Meeting ID: 661 7534 1824Password: N4fMaE7q ABSTRACT: Interaction paradigms (the style of interaction between humans and computers) can significantly change […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Maleficent Neural Networks with Michael Riegler, Chief Research Scientist at SimulaMet
Michael Riegler, a Chief Research Scientist at SimulaMet and an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, will give a seminar on 12 December. TITLE: Maleficent Neural Networks WHEN: 12 December, 13:15-14:15 WHERE: MediaFutures and Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/69019718716?pwd=TFd0WlFWZWZYekdrZEdQZ0ZQa2VjQT09 Meeting ID: 690 1971 8716 Password: SpRcB0CD ABSTRACT: Neural networks nowadays are used almost […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Designing for Collaborative Video Editing with Pavel Okopnyi, PhD Candidate at the University of Bergen
Pavel Okopnyi, a PhD Candidate at the University of Bergen, will give a seminar on January 18th. TITLE: Designing for Collaborative Video Editing WHEN: 18 Januar, 14:15 - 15:15 WHERE: MediaFutures & Zoom: https://uib.zoom.us/j/69273144707?pwd=cFdCKzlwZ0h6YXd6MVdTTmFZeWNvdz09 Meeting ID: 692 7314 4707 Password: daKA5X52 ABSTRACT: The seminar will explore the design space of collaborative video editing through a series of design […]
MediaFutures Seminar: Public expectations of transparency and accountability in citizens’ councils on data-driven media personalisation: Findings and methodological reflections with Ranjana Das, Professor at the University of Surrey
Ranjana Das, Professor at the University of Surrey and currently visiting Erasmus fellow at the University of Bergen, will give a seminar on January 26th. TITLE: Public expectations of transparency and accountability in citizens’ councils on data-driven media personalisation: Findings and methodological reflections WHEN: 26 Januar, 12:00 - 13:00 WHERE: MediaFutures ABSTRACT: This talk presents […]
Bergen HCI and Visualisation Days 2023
MediaFutures invities to HCI and Visualisation Days 2023 DAY 1: Tue 9th May 2023 (host: Morten) 10:15: Interacting with AI: A visualization perspective: talk by Michael Sedlmair Meeting in smaller groups: We invite you to present your respective PhD/PostDoc projects, followed by discussion, thereby aiming to: i) making your ongoing work know to experts in […]
Visualization for Mobile Devices and Embedded Experiences
Welcome to a new department seminar! Abstract: Mobile devices, such as smartwatches, fitness bands, and phones record a variety of data with the goal of making it immediately available to wearers. Smartwatch faces, for example, have become mini data dashboards that can give an overview of data such as step counts, heart rates, locations, […]
One size fits one – accessibility through preferences
RemoteYngvar Nordberg, representing TV 2 Skole AS and WP4 on Media Content Interaction & Accessibility, will be an invited presenter at the COST LEAD-ME Seminar on "Media Accessibility in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, taking place on June 4, 2024, at the St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus. Remote participants are welcome: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mdr-wyvp-ccm Yngvar Nordberg, TV […]