Prof. Dr. Christoph Trattner

Centre director

I am a Full Professor (1404) at the University of Bergen and the Founder and the Center Director of the Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation – SFI MediaFutures worth around 26 million EUR in funding and in-kind. I am also the Founder and Leader of the DARS research group at UiB and hold a 10% Research Professor (Forsker I) position in NORCE (NKLM, department of Health) one of Norway’s largest research institutions. I have received a PhD (with distinction), an MSc (with distinction) and a BSc in Computer Science and Telematics from Graz University of Technology (Austria). I am an ACM Senior Member and a former Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) fellow, Marshall Plan and European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERICM) fellow and have been working at Graz University of Technology from 2009-2012, the University of Pittsburgh from 2011-2012, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology from 2014-2015, and have been visiting Yahoo! Labs Barcelona in 2014 and CWI Amsterdam in 2015 two times. My research is positioned in the Information Science research field and lies in the intersection of “Behavioral Data Analytics” and “Recommender Systems”. Since 2009, I published over 120 scientific articles in top venues about my work and have acquired over 54 million Euros in funding on European and (inter) national level – 30 million as the PI. Examples of outlets where my work has been published includes NATURE Food, NATURE Sustainability, JASIST, EPJ Data Science, UMUAI, WWW, AAAI ICWSM or ACM SIGIR. I am also the winner of several Best Paper/Poster Awards and Nominations, including, the Best Paper Award Honorable Mention at the prestigious CORE A* ranked The Web Conference in 2017. I regularly act as a (senior) PC member on several top-tier – CORE A* ranked – conferences and co-organize or co-chair a number of workshops and conferences. Recent examples include ACM RecSys in 2018 – 2020 (as Workshop/Late-Breaking Results co-chair) and ACM SIGIR 2020 – 2021 (as senior PC). I am a former board member of Media City Bergen, Norway’s largest Media Cluster, a board member of preforma, an amazing Norwegian health-tech start-up focused on health for women, an advisor to the company caneat, a fantastic food start-up, and a member of the editorial board of Elsevier’s journal on Online Social Networks and Media, the Open Access Journal Future Internet, Frontiers in Big Data, Springer’s Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and Springer’s AI and Ethics journal. Since 2009, I have taught over 2000 students in Austria and Norway, in over 35 courses on BSc, MSc, MBA and PhD level about ICT, and I supervised over 35 students on their Master or PhD thesis. Since June 2021, I am an appointed ACM Distinguished Speaker!


Klimashevskaia, Anastasiia; Elahi, Mehdi; Jannach, Dietmar; Trattner, Christoph; Buodd, Simen

Empowering Editors: How Automated Recommendations Support Editorial Article Curation Workshop

RecSys 2024, INRA workshop, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Majjodi, Ayoub El; Khan, Sohail Ahmed; Starke, Alain D.; Elahi, Mehdi; Trattner, Christoph

Advancing Visual Food Attractiveness Predictions for Healthy Food Recommender Systems Conference

The ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Solberg, Vegard R.; Larsen, Sebastian Øverhaug; Trattner, Christoph

Examining the Merits of Feature-specific Similarity Functions in the News Domain using Human Judgments Journal Article

In: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rosnes, Daniel; Starke, Alain; Trattner, Christoph

Shaping the Future of Content-based News Recommenders: Insights from Evaluating Feature-Specific Similarity Metrics Conference

ACM UMAP '24, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Mahmood, Bilal; Elahi, Mehdi; Touileb, Samia; Steskal, Lubos; Trattner, Christoph

Incorporating Editorial Feedback in the Evaluation of News Recommender Systems Conference

ACM UMAP 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Bremnes, Anders Sandvik; Knudsen, Erik; Trilling, Damian; Trattner, Christoph

Perception versus Reality: Evaluating User Awareness of Political Selective Exposure in News Recommender Systems Conference

ACM UMAP 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jeng, Jia Hua; Kasangu, Gloria Anne Babile; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Emotional Reframing of Economic News using a Large Language Model Conference

ACM UMAP 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Klimashevskaia, Anastasiia; Jannach, Dietmar; Elahi, Mehdi; Trattner, Christoph

A Survey on Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems Journal Article Forthcoming

In: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), Forthcoming.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Trattner, Christoph; Jannach, Dietmar; Meijer, Irene Costera; Motta, Enrico

Leveraging Professional Ethics for Responsible AI: Applying AI techniques to journalism. Journal Article

In: Communications of the ACM, 2024.

Links | BibTeX


Seddik, Khadiga; Knudsen, Erik; Trilling, Damian; Trattner, Christoph

Understanding How News Recommender Systems Influence Selective Exposure Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Klimashevskaia, Anastasiia; Elahi, Mehdi; Jannach, Dietmar; Skjærven, Lars; Tessem, Astrid; Trattner, Christoph

Evaluating The Effects of Calibrated Popularity Bias Mitigation: A Field Study Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Knudsen, Erik; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Topical Preference Trumps Other Features in News Recommendation: A Conjoint Analysis on a Representative Sample from Norway Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Majjodi, Ayoub El; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

The Interplay between Food Knowledge, Nudges, and Preference Elicitation Methods Determines the Evaluation of a Recipe Recommender System Conference

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) RecSys ’23, 2023.

Links | BibTeX

Opdahl, Andreas L.; Tessem, Bjørnar; Dang-Nguyen, Duc-Tien; Motta, Enrico; Setty, Vinay; Throndsen, Eivind; Tverberg, Are; Trattner, Christoph

Trustworthy Journalism Through AI Journal Article

In: Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Elsevier, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jeng, Jia Hua; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Towards Attitudinal Change in News Recommender Systems: A Pilot Study on Climate Change Workshop


Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Angelsen, Aslaug; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Healthiness and environmental impact of dinner recipes vary widely across developed countries Journal Article

In: Nature Food , 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Khan, Sohail Ahmed; Sheikhi, Ghazaal; Opdahl, Andreas L.; Rabbi, Fazle; Stoppel, Sergej; Trattner, Christoph; Dang-Nguyen, Duc-Tien

Visual User-Generated Content Verification in Journalism: An Overview Journal Article

In: IEEE Access, 2023.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Hauptmann, Hanna; Said, Alan; Trattner, Christoph

Research directions in recommender systems for health and well-being Journal Article

In: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal , 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Majjodi, Ayoub El; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Nudging Towards Health? Examining the Merits of Nutrition Labels and Personalization in a Recipe Recommender System Conference

Nudging Towards Health? Examining the Merits of Nutrition Labels and Personalization in a Recipe Recommender System, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Bogina, Veronica; Kuflik, Tsvi; Jannach, Dietmar; Bielikova, Maria; Kompan, Michal; Trattner, Christoph

Considering Temporal Aspects in Recommender Systems: A Survey Journal Article

In: UMUAI journal, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Elahi, Mehdi; Starke, Alain D.; Ioini, Nabil El; Lambrix, Anna Alexander; Trattner, Christoph

Developing and Evaluating a University Recommender System Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence , 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Kvifte, Tord; Elahi, Mehdi; Trattner, Christoph

Hybrid Recommendation of Movies based on Deep Content Features Proceedings Article

In: Springer Nature, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Trattner, Christoph; Jannach, Dietmar; Motta, Enrico; Meijer, Irene Costera; Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Elahi, Mehdi; Opdahl, Andreas L.; Tessem, Bjørnar; Borch, Njål; Fjeld, Morten; Øvrelid, Lilja; Smedt, Koenraad De; Moe, Hallvard

Responsible media technology and AI: challenges and research directions Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Elahi, Mehdi; Jannach, Dietmar; Skjærven, Lars; Knudsen, Erik; Sjøvaag, Helle; Tolonen, Kristian; Holmstad, Øyvind; Pipkin, Igor; Throndsen, Eivind; Stenbom, Agnes; Fiskerud, Eivind; Oesch, Adrian; Vredenberg, Loek; Trattner, Christoph

Towards Responsible Media Recommendation Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Willemsen, Martijn C.; Trattner, Christoph

Nudging Healthy Choices in Food Search Through Visual Attractiveness Journal Article

In: no. April 2021, pp. 1-18, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jannach, Dietmar; Jesse, Mathias; Jugovac, Michael; Trattner, Christoph

Exploring Multi-List User Interfaces for Similar-Item Recommendations Conference

29th ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP '21) 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Asotic, Edis; Trattner, Christoph

“Serving Each User”: Supporting Different Eating Goals Through a Multi-List Recommender Interface Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Berge, Arngeir; Sjøen, Vegard Velle; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Changing Salty Food Preferences with Visual and TextualExplanations in a Search Interface Journal Article

In: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Larsen, Sebastian Øverhaug; Trattner, Christoph

Predicting Feature-based Similarity in the News Domain Using Human Judgments Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Berge, Arngeir; Sjøen, Vegard Velle; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Changing Salty Food Preferences with Visual and Textual Explanations in a Search Interface Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph; Bakken, Hedda; Johannessen, Martin Skivenesvåg; Solberg, Vegard

The Cholesterol Factor: Balancing Accuracy and Health in Recipe Recommendation Through a Nutrient-Specific Metric Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Musto, Cataldo; Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph; Rapp, Amon; Semeraro, Giovanni

Exploring the effects of natural language justifications on food recommender systems Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Starke, Alain D.; Trattner, Christoph

Promoting Healthy Food Choices Online: A Case for Multi-List Recommender Systems Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Links | BibTeX

Elahi, Mehdi; Moghaddam, Farshad Bakhshandegan; Hosseini, Reza; Rimaz, Mohammad Hossein; Trattner, Christoph

Enhanced Movie Recommendation Incorporating Visual Features Working paper


Links | BibTeX

Elahi, Mehdi; Moghaddam, Farshad Bakhshandegan; Hosseini, Reza; Rimaz, Mohammad Hossein; Ioini, Nabil El; Tkalcic, Marko; Trattner, Christoph; Tillo, Tammam

Recommending Videos in Cold Start With Automatic Visual Tags Proceedings Article

In: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Trattner, Christoph; Jannach, Dietmar

Learning to Recommend Similar Items from Human Judgements Journal Article

In: User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction Journal, pp. 1-50, 2019, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Ocaña, Marc Gallofré; Nyre, Lars; Opdahl, Andreas L.; Tessem, Bjørnar; Trattner, Christoph; Veres, Csaba

Towards a big data platform for news angles Workshop

Norwegian Big Data Symposium 2018, 2018, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sciascio, Cecilia Di; Brusilovsky, Peter; Trattner, Christoph; Veas, Eduardo

The Roadmap to User-Controllable Social Exploratory Search Journal Article

In: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, pp. 1-37, 2018, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Elsweiler, David; Trattner, Christoph; Harvey, Morgan

Exploiting Food Choice Biases for Healthier Recipe Recommendation Conference

ACM SIGIR Conference 2017, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Elahi, Mehdi; Hosseini, Reza; Rimaz, Mohammad Hossein; Moghaddam, Farshad B.; Trattner, Christoph

Visually-Aware Video Recommendation in the Cold Start Conference

Proccedings of theACM Hypertext 2020 2017, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Mutlu, Belgin; Veas, Eduardo; Trattner, Christoph

VizRec: Recommending Personalized Visualizations Journal Article

In: ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS), vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 1-40, 2016, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX