Prof. Helwig Hauser
Task Leader
University of Bergen
Helwig Hauser is professor in visualization and the leader of the Center for Data Science, CEDAS, at the University of Bergen (UiB), Department of Informatics. Before joining UiB in 2007 to build up a new research group on visualization (see vis.UiB.no), Helwig Hauser was the Scientific Director of the VRVis Research Center in Vienna, Austria, where he also has led the basic research group on visualization before that (since 2000). Helwig Hauser got his education (in Computer Science, with specialization on visualization) from the Vienna University of Technology in Austria (TU Wien), where he completed his Diploma and PhD studies (1995, 1998). Scientifically, Helwig Hauser is an internationally very well established member of the visualization research field (with >200 peer-reviewed publications and >10000 citations). In 2003, after completing his Habilitation at TU Wien with title “Generalizing Focus+Context Visualization”, he was awarded with the respected Heinz Zemanek Award by OCG. More recently, he is focusing on the fundamental principles of visual data science – in particular the mutually beneficial interplay of computational data analysis methods on the one hand, for ex., with the help of machine learning, and interactive visual data exploration, for ex., by providing means to enable an iterative dialogue between the user and her/his data, on the other hand.