Prof. Lilja Øvrelid

Work Package Leader

University of Oslo
Lilja Øvrelid is a professor and group leader for the Language Technology Group (LTG) within the section for Machine Learning at the Department of Informatics, University of Oslo. Her research focuses on various types of syntactic and semantic processing of natural language text using machine learning methods, such as dependency parsing, negation/speculation analysis and sentiment analysis. This involves both the development of resources for machine learning, the development of systems which automate syntactic and semantic analysis of language, as well as the application of these systems in downstream tasks.


Simon, Étienne; Olsen, Helene; You, Huiling; Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Generative Approaches to Event Extraction: Survey and Outlook Proceedings


Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Touileb, Samia; Murstad, Jeanett; Mæhlum, Petter; Steskal, Lubos; Storset, Lilja Charlotte; You, Huiling; Øvrelid, Lilja

EDEN: A Dataset for Event Detection in Norwegian News Conference

LREC-COLING 2024, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Samuel, David; Kutuzov, Andrey; Touileb, Samia; Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja; Rønningstad, Egil; Sigdel, Elina; Palatkina, Anna

NorBench – A Benchmark for Norwegian Language Models Conference


Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Measuring Normative and Descriptive Biases in Language Models Using Census Data Conference


Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Occupational Biases in Norwegian and Multilingual Language Models Workshop


Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Trattner, Christoph; Jannach, Dietmar; Motta, Enrico; Meijer, Irene Costera; Diakopoulos, Nicholas; Elahi, Mehdi; Opdahl, Andreas L.; Tessem, Bjørnar; Borch, Njål; Fjeld, Morten; Øvrelid, Lilja; Smedt, Koenraad De; Moe, Hallvard

Responsible media technology and AI: challenges and research directions Journal Article

In: AI and Ethics, 2021.

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Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Using Gender- and Polarity-informed Models to Investigate Bias Working paper


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Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Gender and sentiment, critics and authors: a dataset of Norwegian book reviews Journal Article

In: Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing. Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Barnes, J; Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja

Improving sentiment analysis with multi-task learning of negation Journal Article

In: 2020, (Pre SFI).

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Barnes, J; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Sentiment analysis is not solved! Assessing and probing sentiment classification Proceedings

2020, (Pre SFI).

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Øvrelid, Lilja; Mæhlum, Petter; Barnes, Jeremy; Velldal, Erik

A Fine-Grained Sentiment Dataset for Norwegian Proceedings

2020, (Pre SFI).

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Jørgensen, F; Aasmoe, T; Husevåg, ASR; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik (Ed.)

NorNE: Annotating Named Entities for Norwegian Proceedings

2020, (Pre SFI).

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Barnes, Jeremy; Touileb, Samia; Øvrelid, Lilja; Velldal, Erik

Lexicon information in neural sentiment analysis: a multi-task learning approach Conference

Linköping University Electronic Press, 2019, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Kutuzov, Andrey; Øvrelid, Lilja; Szymanski, Terrence; Velldal, Erik

Diachronic word embeddings and semantic shifts: a survey Proceedings

2018, (Pre SFI).

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Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja; Bergem, Eivind Alexander; Stadsnes, Cathrine; Touileb, Samia; Jørgensen, Fredrik

NoReC: The Norwegian Review Corpus Proceedings

2018, (Pre SFI).

Abstract | BibTeX


Øvrelid, Lilja; Hohle, Petter

Universal dependencies for Norwegian Proceedings

2016, (Pre SFI).

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Lapponi, Emanuele; Read, Jonathon; Øvrelid, Lilja

Representing and resolving negation for sentiment analysis Proceedings

2012, (Pre SFI).

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Velldal, Erik; Øvrelid, Lilja; Read, Jonathon; Oepen, Stephan

Speculation and negation: Rules, rankers, and the role of syntax Journal Article

In: 2012, (Pre SFI).

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