Ingar Mæhlum Arntzen
Key Researcher
Ingar Arntzen is senior researcher at NORCE, Tromsø, with 10+ years of experience in multi-device media and distributed media synchronization. Arntzen has a MSc in Computer Science from UIT (University of Tromsø) and has recently started a PhD project with focus on distributed consistensy and control in online multi-device media applications. Arntzen is author of Timingsrc (https://webtiming.github.io/timingsrc/), an open source project implementing a new timing model for the Web platform. Arntzen is also a founder of Motion Corporation, a company providing unique multi-device synchronization services. The company started as a spin off from Norut, now part of NORCE.
Mediasync Report 2015: Evaluating timed playback of HTML5 Media Technical Report
2018, (Pre SFI).
Media Synchronization on the Web. In: MediaSync Book Chapter
In: 2018, (Pre SFI).
Media Synchronization Workshop Brussels, 2018, (Pre SFI).
Timing - small step for developers, giant leap for the media industry, IBC 2016 Conference
2017, (Pre SFI).
Mediasync Report 2015: Evaluating timed playback of HTML5 Media Journal Article
In: Norut, 2015, ISBN: 978-82-7492-319-5, (Pre SFI).